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Minister’s statement on information related to long guns

Public Safety and Solicitor General

Minister’s statement on information related to long guns

FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors:
Our government is aligning our approach on firearms, to be consistent with the spirit and intent of federal Bill C-19, which eliminated the long-gun registry.

We work closely with our federal counterparts, and we believe in a co-operative approach, particularly on issues of public safety.

As a result, our Chief Firearms Officer (CFO) will issue a new directive to firearms dealers. Effective immediately, firearms dealers will no longer be required to record purchase information on long-guns, and the CFO and inspectors will not be inspecting such records.

Firearms dealers have been recording these transactions in ledgers, along with purchases of prohibited and restricted firearms. They will now be instructed to start new ledgers, which include information only on prohibited and restricted firearms.

In the coming days, the CFO will instruct dealers on how to deal with their old ledgers, which include both information they must continue to record – on restricted and prohibited firearms – and information on long-guns they will no longer record.

The provincial government was never collecting long-gun owner information, and we will not create a provincial long-gun registry. We respect the directive of our federal partners, and we will ensure that it is carried out.


Media Contact(s)

Sheila Lagacé, communications, Department of Public Safety, 506-444-5267.