AGM 2023 – Brossard, QC

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the unprecedented attack on and serious threat to the rights and freedoms of Canadians by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, Canada’s National Firearms is waiving the registration fee for our annual general meeting in Brossard, Quebec.
That’s right. Free Registration.
All you need to do to guarantee your place is to be a member in good standing, and Pre-Register by Email at
Times are Tight. You may not have been able to register and join us because of the Expenses involved, and the serious economic challenges facing all Canadians today.
We Understand. We face those same Challenges.
Not only are we offering Free Registration, but we also encourage you to join us for a Free banquet dinner, on NFA.
Free. On the House.
Free. Like Canada Should Be. Come and Enjoy some Freedom with Canada’s National Firearms Association.
Join us in Brossard QC for the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Canada’s National Firearms Association (NFA). This is a great opportunity to meet with the NFA leadership, and learn about past actions and future activities in the fight to improve our firearms rights. This is the time for you to speak up and share your ideas.
Friday May 05, 2023
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Meet and Greet – mingle with the Directors and other activists
Saturday May 06, 2023
9:00 am – 12:00 pm Annual General Meeting
1:30pm – 5:00pm Open Panel Discussion with special guests
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Banquet (Evening dinner with door prizes)
Registration fee: FREE (includes information session, lunch and banquet)
To book your hotel reservation with Alt Quartier DIX30, please contact the Hotel directly @ 1-877-343-1030.
Please register early to help us plan arrangements. If you are not yet a member, it is not too late to join. Donations to support this event are gratefully appreciated.