Riposte du président de la NFA Rick Igercich
On February 17, 2023, at the SECU Meeting in Ottawa, The Liberals, NDP and the Bloc Québécois spent a good portion of their time defaming the NFA.
Directly after Martin Bourget gave his statement on the proposed legislation, they made the following statements:
(1) It was vigorously claimed that the NFA promotes civil disobedience – Untrue.
The NFA has never advocated for civil disobedience. The NFA advocates for the defeating of bad firearms laws and those who are responsible for them, both politically and legally. These statements are spurious, slanderous and outrageous.
(2) The NFA wants to phase out all firearms law in Canada – Untrue.
The NFA advocates redefining and redirecting Canada’s time and again failed and wasteful firearms legislation, while at the same time, defending hunters and other law-abiding firearms owners. The Liberal party has wasted billions of taxpayers dollars and federal resources targeting legal, licensed and vetted Canadians, all the while allowing criminal gangs to run rampant in the streets of our cities. This government has so drastically reduced the prison sentences of those arrested, convicted and incarcerated for serious offences, that as a result, violent crime is at an all-time high. This is all courtesy of the Trudeau Liberals, and not the target shooters of Abbotsford, B.C. or the Moose Hunters in Come by Chance, Newfoundland.
(3) Regarding our position on Self Defence.
In Canada, the law is clear – You are permitted to defend yourself and your property.
However, under the criminal code, defensive actions are based solely on particular circumstances, and the subject becomes even more complex the moment a firearm enters the equation.
The NFA adheres to the current laws, but we have no qualms about our position on streamlining the legislation to benefit the victims of criminal actions who found it necessary to use a firearm in defence.
Once again, the Liberals have employed tactics of misinformation and disinformation to divide and distract Canadians from the facts, and to vilify and disparage their critics.
This is all in an effort to cover up their missteps and push though a Bill that will do absolutely nothing for public safety.
To be clear, the mission of Canada’s National Firearms Association is to Change the Law while working within the parliaments, legislatures and courts of Canada.
I am already in consultation with our legal team for direction on how to proceed in regard to these slanderous comments and accusations.
Rick Igercich, President
Canada’s National Firearms Association