It’s What You Want

Trudeau and the Liberal government have so blatantly overstepped with their gun control proposals, that not only are Canadians in general against the new bans, but much of their own base are distancing themselves from it.
Watching the SECU proceedings, it seems that the only people now still firmly on the side of the hunting rifle bans are the usual, overly boisterous ‘career’ activists. And make no mistake, the Liberals intend to reintroduce the bans – sooner rather than later.
Most victims groups are demanding better, and the heartbreaking pleas of Evelyn Fox immediately come to mind. The First Nations are united against the bans, and it was stated that a unanimous vote among them is virtually unheard of. Social scientists and statisticians like Jooyoung Lee and Caillin Langmann have voiced disfavour. The rural Liberals, like we saw in the Yukon, have gone against their Ottawa overseers. Most law enforcement across Canada see no upside to making criminals out of the majority of 2.2 million law-abiding citizens, and even less about kicking in the doors of people they swore to serve and protect. The NDP – especially in the North, are focused more on the indigenous aspect. The most centrist Conservatives are incensed, but that is to be expected. And of course, anyone who actually knows remotely anything about firearms and deals with them on a day-to-day basis are shocked and outraged. A sad and felt absenteeism at SECU has been the disproportionate amount of firearms experts at the Committee, and when they are present, are given very little ‘air time’.
When questioned, “what ‘would’ be effective in reducing firearms violence in Canada?” The resounding, “Get Serious about root causes, poverty, racial marginalizing, investing in communities that are hit hard by violence, safety nets for ‘at risk’ youth, the drug crisis and illegal gun smuggling” – and what do we get from Trudeau? Vilification and an onslaught against the most law-abiding and vetted demographic in Canada, legal firearms owners.
The narrative is falling apart.
#canadianfirearms #gungrab #billc21 #canadaguns #cdnpoli #CanPoli
#canadianhunter #TrudeauMustGo #canadahunts #gunsofcanada #canpol