King of 2 Miles Canada 2024 Winners with Rob Furlong
We talk with Rob Furlong of Rob Furlong’s Marksmanship Academy, Alberta and John Sali, the 2024 King of 2 Miles – Canada champion. They share their experiences from this year’s competition, John’s winning performance, and how you can get involved in long-range shooting courses and events. We aim to shed light on challenging shooting sports like these, and encourage more support to help them grow and continue.
Visit for more information on precision rifle courses, competitions and events.
♟Why It Matters: The battle for firearms rights is far from over. As history has shown, the Liberals, with their NDP Allies will come at us again. It’s crucial for us to remain strong, stay informed, and maintain a strong front and membership. Together, we can defend our rights and ensure a secure future for hunters and sport shooters across Canada.
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