May – June 2020
The COVID-19 virus has thrown a scare into the Canadian public. Besides the usual run on the stores for the necessities of life, one of the results of the virus’ appearance has been a run on firearms businesses nationwide for guns and ammunition. In recent days, firearm retailers have received many inquiries about purchasing guns and ammunition from unlicensed indi-viduals. Of course, they were promptly informed it is not lawful for them to purchase or possess them, and the months-long bureaucratic process they must endure to do so. On one hand, I honestly don’t under-stand why otherwise rational adults suddenly pick a time of uncertainty to panic and buy arms for their defense. On the other hand, I completely understand the concern. We’ve all been there. But it’s something which should be done with serious and sober reflection, not in the midst of some eleventh-hour crisis.
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