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The Real Agenda: The Liberal Tiered Firearm Bans

The Real Agenda: The Liberal Tiered Firearms Bans

Join our Alberta Director, Jerrold Lundgard, as he takes a quick deep dive into the history of the Liberal party’s relentless efforts to chip away at firearms rights in Canada.

From restrictive, misleading legislation to the deceptive nature of the PAL license, Jerrold uncovers the harsh reality that law-abiding firearms owners face today. πŸ” In This Video: Historical Overview: A quick rundown of the Liberal party’s ongoing attempts to erode firearms rights in Canada. The PAL License Myth: Why the PAL license is more of an entrapment than it is a true license, functioning as a mere 5-year amnesty against conviction. Future Threats: Understand the importance of staying vigilant as the Liberals continue their efforts to undermine gun rights. πŸ”” Why It Matters: The battle for firearms rights is far from over. As history has shown, the Liberals will come at us again. It’s crucial for us to remain strong, stay informed, and maintain a strong front and membership. Together, we can defend our rights and ensure a secure future for hunters and sport shooters across Canada. πŸ‘ Support Our Cause: If you found this video informative, please like, comment, and subscribe. Your support helps us continue to fight for your rights.

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