UCP AGM 2024

Alberta Director of CNFA, Dwayne Gorniak takes a moment on Saturday to soak it all in.
At the 2024 United Conservative Party’s Annual General Meeting, Canada’s National Firearms Association stood alongside Alberta’s Black Hats as they took a vital stand for the rights and freedoms of law-abiding firearms owners. We were glad to be there to bear witness to the passing of a bill that is a major stepping stone to defending law-abiding Albertans from aggressive attempts to strip away their legal property, their heritage, and their culture.
Together with the Black Hats, we championed an amendment to the Alberta Bill of Rights that passed with overwhelming support—a win not just for Alberta, but for responsible firearms owners across the country. We were there, proudly lending our support, and standing up for those whose rights are continuously on the line.
We sincerely hope that other provinces will follow suit and that, when we have a common sense Conservative Federal Government in power, these rights will not only be respected, but enshrined and honoured.
To the Black Hats, we offer our deepest congratulations on this victory. And to every Canadian who values freedom, remember:
We were there for Firearms Owners.
We were there for Albertans.
We were there for Canadians.
And we always will be.
Canada’s National Firearms Association—in Defence of Freedom.