Canada’s National Firearms Association announces that elections will be held for the Board of Directors. Interested parties should submit a nomination form and a short (200 words) biography and statement of intent to the National office no later than October 1, 2018. Nomination forms are available for downloads HERE, you will also find the form inserted in the Sep-Oct issue of the Canadian Firearms Journal.
Electoral Area – Directors to Elect
1 Alberta – Northwest Territories & Out-of-Canada
1 British Columbia – Yukon
0 Manitoba – Nunavut
1 Newfoundland – Labrador – Maritimes
1 Ontario
1 Quebec
1 Saskatchewan
- Each of the above shall form one electoral area when electing its director(s). Out-of-Canada members will vote together with the Alberta-NWT membership. Only individuals meeting all of the following the following criteria shall be eligible to run for and be elected as directors:
- The individual shall be a member in good standing as of the date of the election, with full legal capacity under the law of the individual’s province of residence; and
- The individual shall have been a member in good standing of the Association for at least the five (5) years preceding the election; and
iii. The individual shall be a person of good character and morals, who shall have demonstrated dedication to the Association, in the past including, but not limited to having served in the capacity of Field Officer or Regional Coordinator, or a combination thereof, for at least two (2) full years, prior to the election;
- The individual shall not currently hold or have held a position as a field officer, executive or director (or any substantially equivalent position, howsoever designated) with a rival organization such as, but not limited to, the CSSA, the CCFR or the CFA, at any time during the twenty-four (24) months immediately prior to the date of the election;
- The individual shall not currently belong to or have held a position with an organization whose views and/or positions significantly conflict with those of the Association, at any time during the twenty-four (24) months immediately prior to the date of the election;
- The individual shall not have been convicted, in Canada or elsewhere, of :
- one or more indictable offence (or of an offence committed outside of Canada that would have been an indictable offence, if committed in Canada);
- two or more offences punishable by summary conviction (or of two or more offences committed outside of Canada that would have been offences punishable by summary conviction, if committed in Canada), unless the individual in question shall have received a pardon or been granted an unconditional discharge, in connection with said convictions; or
- a combination of at least one offence punishable by summary conviction, and one or more offences committed outside of Canada that would have been offences punishable by summary conviction, if committed in Canada, unless the individual in question shall have received a pardon or been granted an unconditional discharge, in connection with said convictions.
The Association may run a criminal background check on any member wishing to serve as director or for any other position within the Association. The Association may disqualify a candidate who refuses to consent to such a background check. All candidacies for a position on the Board of Directors shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Board of Directors, prior to acceptance, for compliance with the foregoing criteria. Further, the Board of Directors shall have the discretionary power to waive, in whole or in part, the time requirements set forth in paragraphs (ii) and/or (iii), if the Board considers that the candidate is otherwise of exceptional value. Further, and without limitations, the Board of Directors may reject a candidacy, if a majority of the directors are of the view that the acceptance of a particular candidacy, in view of the candidate’s past actions and/or declarations, would be detrimental to the interests of the Association.
- Directors shall be elected by surface mail, electronic mail, or secure call-in telephone ballot of voting members for a term of two (2) years, except as noted below:
- An electoral area with 2 directors shall elect one Director, each year. A candidate for an office of director must reside, when nominated, in the electoral region to be represented by that director and must be nominated by two voting members, who must also reside in that electoral region. Each nomination shall be delivered to the secretary of the Association by October 1 of the election year. The Association shall provide to each voting member, by November 1 of the election year, a ballot listing the names of the candidates for his or her electoral region. It shall be a single, transferable, preferential ballot. Voting members shall return their ballots by December 1 of the election year to the accounting firm designated by the Board of Directors to count the ballots. Each candidate or his or her designated agent may observe the counting of the ballots. The ballots shall be counted on the first business day after December 1, and the directors so elected shall take office forthwith. Upon resolution of the Board of Directors, the mode of voting may be changed including, but not limited to, in order to provide for electronic or other secure and reliable mode of voting.