2022 CPC Leadership Questionnaire
Canada’s National Firearms Association, the Canadian Shooting Sports Association and the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association have collaborated to create this unique questionnaire on behalf of its members and the unaffiliated Canadian firearms community at large, to gauge each 2022 CPC leadership candidates’ campaign plank regarding ownership of firearms in Canada.
We cordially invite you to complete the below questionnaire with the full knowledge and assurance that your answers will be held in confidence.
Please note that your final response is open and subject to adjustments as new information is received, up to the official vote date.
Please fully complete no later than Thursday June 30, 2022 @ 5:00 PM EST. Please answer these questions to the best of your ability.
If you have any questions regarding the questionnaire, please contact NFA General Manager, Ginger Fournier, at ginger@nfa.ca before the deadline.
Thank you for your cooperation.