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They hate us


From:              Sheldon Clare
Subject:          They hate us


Dear friend,



That simple one-word question is on the minds of so many law-abiding firearms enthusiasts after the Trudeau Liberals introduced Bill C-21 a few days ago, a tyrannical piece of legislation that can only be described as an all-out attack on gun owners.

My friend, by now Bill C-21 has been covered to death.  I’m sure you’ve heard about it in the news, online, or from your friends.

There’s so much I could say about Bill C-21.  But, in a nutshell, here’s what you need to be worried about…

Even more prohibitions. Even more complicated regulations. Even harsher sentences.

Even more restrictions on our freedoms.

And here’s one of the things I find most outrageous…  Bill C-21 doesn’t only restrict your rights to obtain a firearm.  It makes it harder for you to USE your legal gun.

Bill C-21 turns your gun into a paperweight.

But what about the thugs and gangsters who wreak havoc on our streets and illegally smuggle guns into our country?

They get off scot-free.

You, on the other hand, are treated as a criminal.  By your own government. 

It all comes back to that first question so many of us wondered when we learned about the draconian measures in Bill C-21…


Why would the Liberals do this to us?

Why are the Liberals obsessed with smearing us as common criminals?

The answer, I’m afraid, is stunningly simple…


Yes, it’s true.  They despise us.  They can’t stand us.  They hate that we celebrate our freedoms, exercise our rights, and refuse to go along with their disarmament agenda.

Of course, there are some who think we should compromise and negotiate.

We need to face facts…

There’s no reasoning with them.  They’ll never sit down and try to understand us.  They’ll never educate themselves about Canada’s heritage of responsible firearms usage.

They want to destroy us – plain and simple.

But Canada’s National Firearms Association (NFA) won’t let them.

 No compromise. No negotiating.  No rolling over.  Not now – not ever!

That’s what we believe here at the NFA.

How about you?

Will you stand up for your rights?

Will you defend your guns?

Will you protect your right to self-defence?

Will you fight for your heritage and culture?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, I need your help right now.

Here at the NFA, we’re planning  to aggressively fight back against the Trudeau gun grab – and we’re not playing nice.

Our top priority is to politically target every single gun-grabbing Liberal MP and do everything in our power to make sure they LOSE.

Fewer anti-gun MPs is the only way to ensure fairer gun laws.

But that’s not all.

We’re getting ready to kick our lobbying efforts into overdrive so we can put the fear of God into Ottawa MPs and, I hope and pray, persuade them to vote against Bill C-21.

And we’re preparing to mobilize our army of grassroots activists to help us apply maximum pressure on every MP in Canada. I’m talking about petition drives, advertising campaigns, digital outreach, and all the rest!

But we won’t be able to do any of it without immediate support.

That’s why I strongly urge you to click the “Donate Now” button below to rush us your immediate contribution of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, or even $1000 or more to help us fight back against Bill C-21.

We need your donation to help us defeat gun-grabbing Liberals at the ballot box in the next federal election!


 My friend, even if you can only afford to chip in $5 (or even $1!!!) right now, this is the time to do it.

We need to fight like hell.

More than that, we need to fight like our liberty is on the line.

Because it is.

Urgently yours,


Sheldon Clare, President
Canada’s National Firearms Association

P.S. Never, ever let them take away your culture. Never.  Stand up for your right to protect yourself and your family.  Support the NFA with a donation today.