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Canada’s National Firearms Association is informing Quebecois firearms owners that efforts will be made to stop the revival of a long gun registry in Quebec. Although the decision to end the wasteful registry has been made nationally, the provincial government has made multiple pleas to maintain provincial data. Today, the Supreme Court of Canada announced that it would hear Quebec’s appeal. As is customary, the Court has not provided a reason for agreeing to hear the appeal.

National Firearms Association President Sheldon Clare has commented on the issue. “We will seek leave to intervene in this appeal and demonstrate to the Court why the data of the Federal long gun registry should not be transferred to Quebec. This registry has been ineffective at preventing crime and a nuisance for firearms owners. Law abiding firearms owners were pleased to see it struck down. It is greatly disappointing for the Quebec firearms owners to have their government disregard their wishes multiple times” Clare stated.

“We were disappointed to learn that the Supreme Court of Canada agreed to hear the appeal; especially, in view of the unequivocal and unanimous judgment of the Quebec Court of Appeal. We are reasonably confident and certainly hopeful that said judgment will be confirmed once the Supreme Court of Canada hears the case.” With that being said, Canada’s National Firearms Association is not willing to gamble with the rights of Quebecers and will seek leave to intervene in the appeal” Sheldon closed.

Canada’s National Firearms Association is this country’s largest advocacy organization promoting the rights and freedoms of all responsible firearm owners and users.

For more information contact:

Blair Hagen, Executive VP Communications, 604-753-8682 [email][/email]
Sheldon Clare, President, 250-981-1841 [email][/email]
Shawn Bevins, Executive VP, 819-313-2887 [email][/email]
Canada’s NFA toll-free number – 1-877-818-0393
NFA Website:
