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We’re All In This Together – STAND WITH US.

From:              Rick Igercich
Subject:          Trudeau’s Next Gun-Grabbing Move…


Since 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been hell-bent on confiscating our guns. He’s been ruthlessly leveraging the powers of the federal government to push his civil disarmament agenda on the Canadian people.

But every time he’s tried, patriots like you have stood firm, defending our rights with unwavering resolve.

Earlier this year, when Trudeau tried to ban firearms essential for hunters and farmers, we at Canada’s National Firearms Association (NFA) spearheaded the resistance.

And together, WE WON. DONATE NOW

We forced the Trudeau Liberals to retreat, leading to the dismissal of his loyal gun-grabber, the former Public Safety Minister, Marco Mendocino.

But, as you might expect, they’re not done.

Trudeau’s back with a vengeance, and he’s brought in his most trusted enforcer: Dominic LeBlanc. Known for enforcing Trudeau’s punitive carbon tax, LeBlanc is now aiming directly at our firearms. With his appointment, it’s clear: Trudeau is declaring war on all of us who believe in our right to own and operate a firearm in Canada.

I won’t stand by and let them take away our rights. As the NFA President, my mission is to make sure Dominic LeBlanc and the Liberal Party pay—spectacularly.

Our track record speaks for itself. The NFA has been the bulwark against every attempt to infringe upon our firearm rights. When over 1,500 types of firearms were banned in 2020, we led the charge to legally challenge and protect firearm owners nationwide. The majority of “improper storage” charges against our members were dismissed, and we secured victory in the vast majority of cases that went to court.

This new fight requires more than just spirit — it demands resources.

We’re poised to counteract this new wave of aggressive firearm restrictions.

But we need your help.

Can I please count on you to tap right now to support Canada’s National Firearms Association with a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000 or more help ensure we have the resources needed to protect YOUR rights?

The battle lines are drawn. With your help, we can show Dominic LeBlanc that the NFA is a force to be reckoned with. The time to act is NOW.

Stand with us. Let’s send a message that cannot be ignored.


Rick Igercich, National President & CEO 
Canada’s National Firearms Association